Library Creatives is a partnership between Scottsdale Arts and Scottsdale Public Library. This program provides exhibitions and workshops for all ages to engage with the arts. With the library’s place at the center of community and the free access people have to them, this partnership makes the perfect place to show and engage with art.
Below are fun, free resources for families to create in or out of the library!

Downloadable Fun
Print these workbooks from past exhibitions to learn and practice different art-making techniques at home! Materials can be found around the house or at your local art supply store.
Creative Videos
The following activities are in conjunction with Artists’ Breakfast Club, 20 Years, an anniversary exhibition highlighting Arizona artists who regularly meet with the intention of fostering artistic cooperation, mutual support, and community. It was on display at the Civic Center Public Gallery at Scottsdale Civic Center Library from October 5 – December 31, 2020. View the virtual exhibition.
To learn more, visit Scottsdale Public Library
“Showing the Way”
Have you ever seen a strange stack of rocks when you go hiking and wondered what they are? Cairns are stacks of rocks that have long been used to pave the way for travelers who might be lost. Think about your goals, your family’s goals, and how you would like to see the future. Who inspires you and shows you the way? Local artist Patricia Sannit will show us how to build our own cairns using painted rocks and air-dry clay or items around the house. This is family fun you won’t want to miss!
Creative Photo Layering
Amp up your Instagram editing skills with local artist Cherie Buck-Hutchison, who will teach you how to create double-exposure photography for free from your cell phone! Suitable for all ages and anyone with an Android or iPhone device.
Clutter Quilts
Are you an avid collector of memories but don’t know what to do with that giant box of birthday cards? Been meaning to do something with all those sports T-shirts? Do you have a lot of junk mail lying around? Take simple household items such as these and learn how to make your very own “Clutter Quilt” with local artist Heidi Dauphin who will demonstrate how she was inspired to create her piece Great Grandma’s Crazy Quilt Transformed. No prior experience necessary, and it’s fun for all ages!
African Thumb Piano Activity
Co-curator of WEST: Arizona Artists of Color at the Civic Center Public Gallery, Joe Willie Smith is known for his sound sculptures made from found objects. Find out what you can do with wood and bobby pins to make a mbira, otherwise known as an African thumb piano.
Supplies Needed:
- 3-inch by 4-inch thin basswood
- 4–5 bobby pins
- Masking tape
- Markers
- Wire cutters (optional)
Watch the slide show for step-by-step instructions to create your instrument!
Collage Self-Portrait Activity
Using magazine clippings of fun body parts, construct an abstract version of yourself using the age-old craft of collaging.
Supplies Needed:
- Scissors
- Magazine clippings
- Glue stick
- Paper
Watch the slide show for step-by-step instructions to create your collage!