Explore your inner artist, expand your visual literacy, or participate in caregiver and wellness programs through the arts. These workshops are designed to unlock your artistic skills and take place on our campus and in the community.

Hold on to Hope

Hold on to Hope is an educational Holocaust exhibition kit that inspires community through the life experiences of Arizona-based Holocaust survivor Oskar Knoblauch.

Photo: Betty L Hum Photography

Memory Lounge

Memory Lounge is a program for people living with mild to moderate stages of dementia-related illness and their care partners. It is an enjoyable, social outing that helps couples live in the moment as they engage in the arts.

Library Creatives

Library Creatives is a partnership between Scottsdale Arts and the Scottsdale Public Library that combines art and literacy for all ages. 

Photo: Betty L Hum Photography

SMoCA Tours

The SMoCA Gallery Tour is an hour-long exploration of SMoCA’s rotating exhibitions. Through inquiry and in-gallery activities, visitors better understand how to look at contemporary art.